Action Alerts

Thank you for being willing to take actions to fight against ACA-7. We need all hands on deck to push back against this assault on equality.

  • Sign and share the petition

    Click here to sign the petition to let California state senators know your opposition against ACA-7 and show our strength in numbers. Please also share this link with your friends so that they can add their voice. Kindly note that the donation link on the petition page solicits funds to instead of to our campaign. If you want to support our important work, donate to the "No on ACA-7" campaign here.

  • Send emails to state senators

    Currently, ACA-7 has passed the California State Assembly and made its way to the State Senate. So now the goal of our campaign is to persuade and urge state senators to vote NO on ACA-7. Your opposition will be emailed to all the decision makers at the state senate. Let them hear your voice and see our strength.

  • Contact your state senator to request a meeting

    The most impactful way to advocate against ACA-7 is through in-person meetings. Request a meeting with your state senator or his/her staff. Express your concerns about ACA-7 and tell them why they should vote NO.

  • Help us expand our alliance

    Our message for equality needs to reach a broad and diverse base of voters. If you know any organization(s) that may be willing to join this important fight, please ask them to register to join our coalition. Our coalition allies can choose the action items that resonate with them when they spread our message among their audiences.

  • Sign up to volunteer

    We need dedicated volunteers to help run a successful campaign against the well-connected and well-funded opponent. If you can spare your time in helping distribute flyers, organize/join rallies and participate in more campaign activities, please sign up as a volunteer. We will contact you and assign the work accordingly.

  • All hands make light work. Volunteers are a crucial component of our grassroots campaign. But we also need to fund professional services so that we can mount an effective campaign against ACA-7. Such services include but are not limited to legal compliance, accounting and bookkeeping, political strategy, IT infrastructure, graphic designs and more. Your generous contributions will help pay for all these campaign costs and help us build a well-oiled campaign machine. Since ACA-7 is still in the state legislature, the immediate goal of our campaign is to stop it before it gets too far, which is onto the state ballot. Your contributions will go a long way if we can avoid an expensive ballot measure committee campaign to fight ACA-7 in the general election.